Portfolio Highlights

  • [2021] – InfoBar Compose (Android Library – Open Source) ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ“Ÿ
    • Android Jetpack Compose library for displaying on-screen messages.
    • Aims to simplify the way developers display on-screen messages, effectively eliminating boilerplate code.
    • Provides additional customizability options, when compared to the Snackbar component from the official library.
  • [2021] – Android Jetpack Compose Jumpstart Course (YouTube Series, Android – Open Source) ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ๐ŸŽž๏ธ
    • Started experimenting with online video content creation.
    • Developed a basic Android app which uses the new Jetpack Compose UI toolkit from Google.
    • Recorded myself developing this app and explaining my thought process, resulting in a 7-hour free video course.
    • Touched on multiple aspects like Custom Composables, Animation and building modular code which can be easily reused.
  • [2019 – 2020] – Gousto (Android) ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ“ฆ
    • Developed the Android App for Gousto, an e-commerce company delivering tasty & healthy recipe boxes all over the United Kingdom.
    • Worked in both platform-specific Android team (ranging from 3 to 6 people) and Cross-Functional team later on, focusing on the Menu & Market part of the app.
    • Optimized existing UI test code, cutting down the total UI test run-time from 10 minutes to 8 minutes.
    • Refactored multiple Menu-related screens, reducing them from ~6k lines of code to ~2k lines, fixing some bugs in the process, without adding regressions.
    • Gained additional experience in developing an improved custom CI/CD infrastructure for the Android Development team. (Macstadium – Orka: Orchestration with Kubernetes on Apple, Fastlane, UNIX – light BASH scripting)
    • Participated with designers in user-testing sessions, which gave us real insight on how people use our product and what we can improve in future app iterations.
    • Implemented multiple experiments through A/B testing. (Firebase Remote Config, Optimizely)
    • Employed by Gousto in London, United Kingdom.
  • [2017 – 2019] – Canal Digital OnePlace (Android TV) ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ“ก
    • Android TV-based satellite and OTT (Over-the-top, internet-delivered content) platform developed for Telenor.
    • Worked closely with my peers (about 10 programmers, 3 QA, one designer) and representatives from the client (Business Analyst, Backend Engineers, etc.) to continuously implement and deliver new features in 2-week sprints. Actively participated in PI planning and occasional on-site development sessions in Oslo, Norway.
    • Employed by 3SS in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
    • Android SDK, Android Leanback, Content Providers, Android Services, RxJava2, SQLite, Kibana, Custom Views.
  • [2017] – Release Tracker (Android) ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ’ฟ
    • Android app that enables users to follow their favorite artists and get notified when new releases are spotted in the worldโ€™s largest online music database, Discogs.Personal project, developed and released on Google Play.Maintenance updates released in the following years.
    • Java, XML, Gradle, ProGuard, RESTful API integration, SQLite, Picasso, YouTube Player API, Google Drive API, Android Services, AdMob*, In-app billing*, Material Design Guidelines, Tablet UI support
    • *Ads and in-app purchase of ad-free upgrade dropped in late 2020.
  • [2015] – Digi Storage RecordBox (Windows Phone) ๐Ÿ“ฑโบ๏ธ
    • Mobile app that enables users to record audio notes and store them locally and on the Digi Storage cloud platform. Developed for Digi (Romaniaโ€™s largest ISP) and awarded at the IMPULS contest.
    • Summer Internship after first year of college in Constanta, Romania.
    • Windows Phone SDK, C#, XAML, .NET, SQLite, Digi Storage API.

Additional Projects

  • [2020] – MVHR Bypass (IoT Device + Android Companion App – Open Source) ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐ŸŽ›๏ธ
    • IOT device able to control the MVHR Summer Bypass, based on inside and outside temperatures.
    • This is a passion project that I wanted to create for a very long time, particularly understanding how microcontrollers work at a low level, and successfully programming them to solve a real-world problem.
    • Once I started the project, it was so fun that I wanted to go past what I initially planned, so I also integrated an ESP8266 WiFi Module and programmed it to act like a bridge between the main Atmega328p chip and the client Android App, which allows to remotely monitor the 4 temperature sensors and control target temperatures for the bypass.
    • The project is split into 4 repos:
      • mvhr-bypass-common – Contains the main readme file describing the entire project, common code which is included in both the Atmega328p chip and the ESP8266 chip and extra resources (C++)
      • mvhr-bypass-arduino – Code running on the Atmega328p chip, controlling the LCD display, receiving user input through push buttons, reading temperature sensors, holding the bypass trigger logic and communicating with the ESP8266 WiFi Module (C++, Arduino Libraries)
      • mvhr-bypass-esp8266 – Code for the ESP8266, running a socket server for network clients and communicating with the Atmega328p through serial connection (C++, ArduinoJson, WebSocketsServer)
      • mvhr-bypass-android – Android client app, which connects to the ESP8266 via Sockets (Kotlin, Koin, OkHttp, Custom Views, MVVM Pattern)
  • [2019] – Open Live Trivia (Android + Backend – Open Source) ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ’ฌ
    • Online, real-time multiplayer trivia game.
    • Created immediately after learning the Kotlin language, to apply and better assimilate what I learned.
    • Consists of 2 parts:
      • Server [Node.js]. Javascript, Express, Mongoose, Socket.io, Firebase Admin
      • Client app [Android]. Kotlin, Socket.io, Retrofit, RxJava2, Dagger2, Room, Firebase Auth, Crashlytics, Kotlin Coroutines, Glide, MVP architecture
    • The project’s dedicated server was online for over a year. Now it is offline, but all sources are still available on GitHub (Links above).
  • [2019] – Foodtruck Hub (Android + Backend – Open Source) ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿšš
    • Mobile solution for finding, submitting and reviewing food trucks
    • Created immediately after learning Node.js / Express backend development from a Udemy Course
    • The app presented in the course represented the starting point of this project.
    • Additionally, multiple features were added, including improved food type tagging system, support for user profiles and listing associated food trucks, user and truck pictures and the UI was reworked to follow Material Design guidelines
    • Consists of 2 parts:
    • The project’s dedicated server was online for over a year. Now it is offline, but all sources are still available on GitHub (Links above).